Thursday 26 October 2017

Educational work

     From 1985 to 1997 the students worked at labor camp. The camp was located on the farm "Bolshevik". 2-storey house was specially built in the village Partizanovka. Students weeded carrots, beets and other crops. In their spare time they did sports, had art activities, organized interesting competitions and events. In more recent years, Slonim employment center were set up labor brigades in schools. Students over 14 years worked there. They formed lawns, repaired sidewalks, painted the fence, took care of flowers in the flowerbeds.      The tradition in our school is to held Subtonics of landscaping schools, city cemetery, fixed areas and areas of patronage companies in spring and autumn periods.

The quality of knowledge

    School teachers have always strived to give their students high-quality, durable knowledge that graduates be competitive. They are constantly working to improve the lesson, led the search for new effective methods, and then technology. Regardless of the time, on a voluntary basis subject teachers were tutoring with those who did not learn the program and had 2.
   In order to increase the responsibility of students to educational work by the decision of the school board for a 1998/1999 academic year 1988/1989 academic year were held transferable examinations 4-8, 10 classes. They were organized and carried out a very serious and responsible. Importance of the transferable exams was attached  no less than the state finals. There was developed position on the transferable examinations, where it was agreed in which subjects and in which form - oral or written -  the exam will take. And subjects alternated over the years.
   It is no accident the vast majority of school students during the examinations of texts Belorussian MP showed knowledge of relevant curriculum requirements.
   For students were carried out extracurricular activities. Many children are engaged in the subject of correspondence schools. From the speech of the headmaster of baker LM at the August teachers' meeting in 1986: "In the 1985/1986 academic year, 17 eighth-grade students enrolled in correspondence Republican Physics and Mathematics School, 2 students enrolled in a The school had a leading position on the results of Olympiads. Thus, in the 1989/1990 academic year the school was the first in the number of prize-winning places in the city, regional and republican Olympiads.
   Our school had different profiles studies in senior positions; elevated levels of the teaching of certain subjects in primary and secondary school; elective courses, recreational activities. It opened the gymnasium classes, classes of developmental education, general aesthetic classes. Thus, 77- 90% of the students showed high level of educational knowledge in mathematics. 6 pupils in the 1998/1999 school year received scholarships Slonim Executive Committee. It was the program "Talented children".
   Since 2008/2009 the study of subjects at a higher level in the school continued through extracurricular activities. In the 2009/2010 academic year 92% of students attend electives. Since 2008 we began to develop paid educational lessons.
Due to the good material base, high professional skills of teachers and the use of scientifically based teaching methods; students achieved good results in their studies. The quality knowledge increased over the last 6 years from 48% to 55%.
   In 1999, students of lyceum classes took part in the regional scientific-practical conference for the first time. Research work in mathematics, computer science, physics, and biology were awarded with diplomas.
   In the 2001/2002 academic year 21 students became prize-winners on city Olympiads, 9 children were took part in regional competitions.
   Every year, representatives of the school participated in the republican Olympiads.
   In 2005 Marina Shmakova received high results in the research work and Dmitry Firsov won the Republican Chemistry Olympiad and received a scholarship of the President. Lydia Markovna Zhilinskaya was marked by President of Belarus Prize for performance in work with talented youth.
   From 1984 to 2010, secondary school № 3 of 1437 students graduated from the school. 103 students and 145students were awarded silver medals.

In development mode

School team is constantly working in the development mode, school teachers enthusiastically greeted the new education and strive to keep up with the times. Teachers’ work has been focused on training during the years, development and education of all children with different characteristics, aptitudes and abilities.
The creative search for the best school teachers aimed at improving the structure of the lesson, methods and forms of learning, strengthening the practical orientation of teaching, the introduction of active forms of training, increase the intensity of the lesson, instilling in each student eagerness to cultivate."
At the end of the 80s teachers participated in an experiment to introduce a lecture and seminar system of teaching in high school.
Under the requests of children and their parents were opened classes with slopes, classes with the organization of training on advanced techniques. Thus, in the 1986/1987 academic year, it was created by sports 4 "G class" with 31 students.
Along with general education classes were  created classes, which can engage children with special needs. The school creates favorable conditions for learning and social adjustment of students with disabilities in the psycho-physical development: integrated work and special classes for children with intellectual disabilities.
In 1989 he opened a class for children with mental and physical development, and then in 1994 - special class in which children were engaged by the special school program .It was the first experience of working with students who have special developmental needs.
Since 2001 on the initiative of the Deputy Director V.M. Chertopolohova we began to open the dance and musical classes, where children leam to play an instrument, singing, dancing. In 2004, for the first time in the town pupils began to study  the Polish language as a subject has been opened on the basis of school.